
Journalism 101

Journalism 101

Written in 2019

Journalism is famously named to be “the first draft of history.” That vision is what’s gotten me to fall in love with journalism as a practice and fascination as an industry.

As a reminder, journalism - with a lowercase J - is a practice. Some other day, I’ll write more on how it changes a person and the keystones that hold the practice together and how they’ve changed. Today, I want to keep us on the same page on what the overall aspects of the Capital J of Journalism works.

Tech interface

New technology is changing how journalists interact with their audience, how they tell stories, which formats they use and how users perceive them. Immersive journalism makes users part of the news by letting them experience the stories up close, artificial intelligence supports media makers in their work in the editorial offices, new interfaces allow completely new types of communication with the devices and thus also with the audience and new technical infrastructures present us with new challenges every day.


AI has been journalism’s biggest fear for the past 10 year. When I was in school, my professors often used to joke, “yeah, until we have AI. Then you all probably won’t have a job.” Honest, true, but what exactly could AI do that I couldn’t? Algorithms have been writing sports reports for a long time, and now also poems. Historically, The Reuters News Agency experimented with software: Lynx Insight.

It is intended to help journalists analyze data and give them the opportunity to find stories faster - it also supports them with writing. Algorithms should recognize if there is a particularly significant change in a stock market price, and in the next step they should inform the reporter, who can then react to it.

IOT Journalism
Newsroom Automatization
Robot Journalism


Immersive journalism plays with the first person experience of the user. Whether in 360 ° videos, augmented reality, in which you only add additional information to the environment, or virtual reality, in which you completely immerse yourself in a 3D animated reality, stories can be experienced in a completely different way.

Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
Mixed Reality


Trust and execution are a part of the keystones of the industry itself. I’d argue whether blockchain, smart contracts or 5G — new technologies can only progress those two commodities. Technology most impactful on Journalism hold anonymity, trust, and pace to be the center of progress. Radio, pagers, smartphones direct pace of information where general collaborative software and smart contracts to encrypted messaging regulate how business is carried out online and a new mobile Internet standard.

Smart Contracts


Voice Assistants
Neural Interaction Design


The mantra of the digital media world has long been: users don't pay for journalism. Many subscription strategies are showing that it might work after all. After the industry's network has once pulled the rug out from under its feet, most of the major media companies are now rethinking. It can be summarized as follows: Journalistic work has its price and we should ask for money for it.

In addition to the large paywalls, there are countless other types of monetization: Micro payment, some blogs also try to earn money through crowdfunding. But: It seems that what was considered impossible for a long time will prevail. Nevertheless, the industry is still trying to make money through other channels.

Advertising is and will remain a way of funding content. Forms of advertising are also becoming more and more diverse - and above all more technical.


For a long time there was no other means than advertising to earn money with journalistic content on the Internet - and even that only worked moderately. As in the music scene, a free culture has established itself for content, and users are only gradually rethinking. The problem: What cannot be financed cannot be produced expensively, so the quality of the content fell online, and a lot was simply copied from the print. But that is also changing right now. Many media houses are becoming active - and they are getting creative, both in payment models and in the distribution of resources for digital projects. There are now various payment models that are adapted to the needs of the users and that allow quality to be delivered online.

Micro Payments


With digitization and new technologies, journalism is changing rapidly. With new devices, stories can be told in new ways and information can be brought to users via new channels. This opens up completely new markets for media companies, they are suddenly in competition with others from abroad and are faced with ever faster developments. With China, a giant has emerged from the shadows that is rapidly driving technical innovations.

There is also room for more international newsroom/media collaboration. There are publications that specialize in a certain field internationally as they do in the US. An example of an innovative company is Contxto.


Journalism is largely financed by advertising. That was always so. The Internet has shaken this advertising market upside down - and at the same time created many new ways in which media and advertisers can find each other and how they can reach their audiences in a personalized way. This has the potential to continuously improve the content of advertising and only reach those who are actually interested in the products of an advertising brand. But there is still hesitation in the combining of journalistic and advertising content.

Ad Blocking
Content Marketing
Voice Advertisement
Native Advertising
Influencer Marketing
Programmed Display
Shop-able TV
Individual Employee Brand Alignment
Accessable Advertisement


Constructive Journalism
Data-Driven Journalism
Conversational Journalism



More and more media content is videos. The reason for this is that today almost everyone has a device in their pocket that they can play them on: a smartphone. As always, when there is a new device, the content will be adapted to it at some point. Vertical videos in the format 9:16 are replacing the classic 16: 9 video format on smartphones, and stories that delete themselves after 24 hours reach millions with their content.

Vertical Video
Instagram Video



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