
My love letter to Journalists

My love letter to Journalism

This is completely anecdotal.

Dear Journalists,

I used to be a wanabe Journalist. I just wanted to say that out loud before anything. But I genuinely want to imprint that Journalism is the antidote to content and thatโ€™s why content creators (especially Twitter creators) call themselves journalists. I dropped out of school with a CS & J major, so I never finished, but I wanted to say that was some of the hardest classes ever. Like go up to strangers and ask them their political views during 2021 kinda hard.

Without making this too soppy, I think youโ€™d be better at my job that I am sometimes. Youโ€™ll actually get to the bottom, not ride of any vibes or trends. Youโ€™ll at least note them before you do.

The definition of Journalist has become strange, but, for the record, I do believe Journalism is a practice. You donโ€™t always get it right, but itโ€™s the aspiration. Itโ€™s a muscle.

I know this was corny. Anyone can make fun of me. I just wanted to sneak this into my blog, especially after I came so aggressively at Twitter Bloggers in that basics article.