
Doing Something Else

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Internet Basics

πŸ““Online Commodities

How HTTPS works

Consumer and Creator

πŸ““1. Creator = ConsumerπŸ““2. The Active ConsumerπŸ““3. β€œCreator-GTMβ€πŸ““3.A. Where the Viral Things AreπŸ““4. The Anonymous EconomyπŸ““5. Pre-founder: People-focused investing

Content is King -- Bill Gates, 1997

Things To Do.

πŸ““Work to Be DoneπŸ““Statements; No MissionπŸ““Content is Eating the WorldπŸ““5.A. Untraditional Talent

Creator Studies

πŸ““1. Intro to Creator StudiesπŸ““2. Creator PolicyπŸ““3. Creator InvestingπŸ““4. A Spectrum of InfluenceπŸ““5. Influencing InfluencersπŸ““6. The History of the Creator Economy [working]πŸͺŸ2. View: Research


πŸ““Total Content Market (TCM)/Content TAM (C-TAM)πŸ““Revisiting Community InvestingπŸ““Rethinking Consumer LTVπŸ““β€œOrganic” = unpaid?πŸ““Introducing: On-Page Collaboration, LiveWriting, anti-Press PublishπŸ““VC Managers: Finding your styleπŸ““Women’s Consumer (2022)πŸ““The β€œonline” button



Personal Journal

πŸ““An intro to Personal JournalπŸ““Advice for a Y1/Y2 woman in VCπŸ““Advice for a Y3 woman in VC πŸ““My love letter to JournalistsπŸ““Women and Wikipedia πŸ““β€œPedigreeβ€πŸ““β€œContextβ€πŸ““β€œLeversβ€πŸ““β€œCleanupβ€πŸ““β€œExamplesβ€πŸ““Me & PaulπŸ““Very Specific AdviceπŸ““Why I dropped outπŸ““Young PeopleπŸ““How to be JealousπŸ““Content vs. Journalism
Personal Investment Stuff
Freshman Year
Old Stuff

Β© EM 2024

This is completely anecdotal.

In all honesty, the greatest mental battle I see all kinds of founders, genuinely early on, is figuring out when to do something else.

Traditionally, this would mean to β€œpivot,” or to completely change the company to something else.