
5.C. Content is Eating the World

Content is Eating the World

How content has distrusted every industry. And how it’s been the backbone to software’s sucess.

I really tried to replicate this exactly in MA’s format. But I got too caught up on proving the exemplary similarities between successful software companies with successful content companies, rather than successful software products vs. successful content products.

The fact is that every consumer (and soon to be enterprise company) has been critically affected by content.

In 2024, we saw the rise and maturation of both new and old platforms. TikTok might be banned, Meta is cooperating, Youtube ranks #1, and the fascinating quiet race for newsletters.

I remember being quite tipsy in West Hollywood in 2022. We were going back and forth on what to do about larger platforms not giving creators access to user data and where RSS went. My first impression of Tyler was that he 1) very quickly 2) got to the point and 3) the point made sense. Sometimes, actually most times, as a VC, you’ll meet someone smart and confident with some sort of idea, but no way on how to build the logic chain so good that when the investor leaves they want to buy it on their own. Tyler had that.